
NEW From 2025 to encourage more participation in UK F18 events and get more people into F18’s to experience the great racing and our welcoming helpful sailors we are now trialing Handicaps for older F18 designs as follows below:
These are not official with SCHRS these are for UK Use only
The Results will be monitored and adjusted by the UK Handicap committee S.Northrop and S.Farren
Note: Adjustments may be made for Deck Sweepers/Board change additions to older boats (TBA)

Nacra Infusion Mk3         1.005
Nacra Infusion Mk2          1.010
Hobbie Wildcat                 1.010

Hobie Tiger

Diam 18                               1.010
Shockwave                         1.010
Cirrus (Not 901,R or R2)   1.010
Nacra Infusion Mk1          1.020
Hobie Tiger, Alado        1.040
Dart Hawk                         1.040
Nacra Inter 18                   1.040

Modern F18 Designs (Edge,Nacra Evolution, C2,Akurra,Scorpion etc) SCHRS 1.00

Test Series
The UK Fleet Handicap system should encourage people to join in with older cheaper boats such as
Hobie Tiger can be bought from £500-£2000, more competitive boats like the Nacra Mk2 around £2000-£5500, Competitive second hand readily available Australia Edge boats around £13k-£19k, New Boats are circa £28000
Its easy to add the newer Deck sweeper mainsails to these older boats too. List of boats here
If you need to apply for an older Handicap or for a boat not listed please contact simonfarren@hotmail.com.
So please get into the fleet and come racing, if you start well, and sail well we will notice and make sure these handicaps give everyone a chance at some silverware.